In our research for the collaborative research project, my group members and I decided to break down the food industry into 3 main areas: meat, produce and grain products (snack foods, fiber bars, ect). I decided I would look into the grains portion and I am focusing on the Nabisco company. Nabisco is a very large company and markets several brands - everything from Honey Made Crackers to Nilla Waffers. The advertising for these products varies depending on to whom they are marketed but it is interesting to discover that many of these products are geared toward children.

However, there are benefits to providing children with snacks from Nabisco. When comparing Nabisco with another fruit snack producing company (such as Nutri-Grain), the better choice is the Fig Newton cookie from Nabisco. When researching healthy snacks for this portion of the assignment, I was surprised that some of the better choices turn out to come from brands that I have always associated with producing junk food - what a nice surprs

M. Norris
4/19/2011 10:17:50 pm

Wow--they are actually nutritious! I would've never thought!


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