1.  What effect is human food production having on animals we consume (cows and pigs) and the animals we do not eat (birds and other wildlife)?'

2.  What is New Jersey doing to protect consumers?

3.  Which laws could be improved to allow the average consumer more information in the grocery store?

4.  Should elementary schools put more emphasis on helping students understand the difference between healthy and not healthy foods?

5.  What role does the media play in the food production business?

6.  How can young people become involved in changing the system?

7.  Why is there so much emphasis on convenience rather than "goodness" in our society?

8.  Can American look to foreign countries for suggestions on improving the food business?

9.  How have recent changes in dietary necessities affected our lifestyles (food pyramid)?

10.  Do consumers "have a right to know" or will it cause "unnecessary

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